Swing seats are the most important part of a swing set. Our seats are tough, durable, and reasonably priced. The swing seats are also manufactured by the leading names in the playground business. These swing set seats are hand-picked by Certified Playground Safety Inspectors (CPSIs). These seats are easy to install, with only basic playground tools. Your swing set seats get put to the test every day by the kids at your school or daycare, so make sure you get top quality swing seats from us. You’ll like our swing seats so much, you’ll want to order seats from us time and again! So, you can rely on us for swing set seats that stand up to the test of time — and the kids!

Swing Set Seats (Non-USA)
These high quality swing Set seats have a steel core. They’re sturdy, and they meet all the standards for commercial playground use. Swing chains are sold separately. To attach a swing seat to the chains, you will need swing connectors & fasteners.
swing seats, swingseats, swing seat, swingseatBelt Seats with
Triangle Hardware
This playground classic comes
in many colors.
(Part# S-02)
swing seats, swingseats, swing seat, swingseatStandard Belt
Belt swing seat with insert & grommets.Many colors!
(Part# S-15)
swing seats, swingseats, swing seat, swingseatChain Seats
Flexible, but with more support than belt swing seats.
(# SRE-11)
swing seats, swingseats, swing seat, swingseatFlat Swing Set Seats
Polyethylene flat swing with galvanized hardware.
(Part# S-17)
swing seats, swingseats, swing seat, swingseat

Flat Swing Set Seats
Flat rubber seats with eyebolts attachedand aluminum insert.

swing seats flat nonusaMega-Flat
Swing Set Seats
Flat rubber seats with A-brackets and aluminum insert.
swing seats, swingseats, swing seat, swingseatCradle Swing Seats
(Hard Surface)
Completely enclosed. Doesn’t bend. Tough, reinforced rubber with metal insert.
(# SRE-31)
swing seats, swingseatsCradle Swing Seats
(Flexible Surface)
Partially enclosed swing seats. Optional chain. Many colors!
(Part# S-14)
flexible swing seatsInfant Swing Seats
Completely enclosed swing seats. Many colors! Optional extra back support.
(Part# S-16)
swing seats, swingseats, swing seat, swingseatRotational Molded
Infant Seats
Completely enclosed plastic toddler swing seats. Many colors!
(Part# S-75)
Swing Set Seats :: MADE IN THE USA!
Our very best American-made swing set seats give your playground the toughness you need. They cost a little more than foreign parts, but they’re heavier and sturdier — you can feel the difference. Note: Swing chains are sold separately. To attach the swing seats to the swing chains, you will need swing connectors.
swing seats, swingseats, swing seat, swingseatBelt Swing Seats with
Triangle Attachments
The playground standard. Many colors.
(Part# S-130)
Non-USA price: See next section.
swing seats s130Belt  Seats
Tough elastomer swing seats with steel insert & interior grommets.
(Part# S-110)
Non-USA price: See next section.
swing seats, swingseats, swing seat, swingseatBumper Belt Seats
Our toughest belt swing seats has fluted rubber on front and back. Tested to 5,000 lbs. (Part# S-115)
Non-USA price: See next section.
s 115 swing seatsClassic Style
Flat Seats
Tough plastic flat swing seats that don’t bend.
(Part# S-127)
Non-USA price: See next section.
swing seatsChild Cradle 
Partially enclosed “half bucket” seats. Front chain optional.
(Part# S-150)
Non-USA price: See next section.
swing seats, swingseats, swing seat, swingseatInfant Seats
Completely enclosed elastomer seats.
(Part# S-100)
Non-USA price: See next section.
swing seats, swingseats, swing seat, swingseatInfant Seats with
High Back Support
Completely enclosed elastomer seats.
(Part# S-103)
Non-USA price: See next section.
infant swing seatsRotational Molded
Infant Seats
Our tougest “bucket” swing seats. Completely enclosed.
(# S-175)
Non-USA price: See next section.
Swing Seats :: Commercial Special Needs
These swing seats meet all your ADA requirements. Swing chains are sold separately. To attach swing seats to the chains, you will need swing connectors.
swing seatsADA Molded
swing seatADA Adaptive
Swing Set Seats :: Commercial Tire Swings
These modern tire swing seats are made from hollow, roto-molded plastic, so they’re lightweight yet tough. The tire swing seats don’t come with swing chains or swing connectors, unless otherwise stated. To connect the swing chain to the tire and to theswing hanger on the structure, you’ll need swing connectors.
swing seats

Molded Plastic Tire
Swing Seats
Tough, yet lightweight, these tire  seats are made from hollow plastic.

swing seats, swingseats, swing seat, swingseatTire Swing Seats Package: Tire + 3 H-Shackles + 3 Plastisol Chains
Everything you need to add new tire seats to an existing hanger, using plastisol chains.
(# PT-05)

 swing seats, swingseats, swing seat, swingseatTire Swing Seats Package: Tire + 3 H-Shackles + 3 Tube ChainsEverything you need to add new tire seats to an existing hanger, using tube chains.
(# PT-10)

swing seats, swingseats, swing seat, swingseatWinston Cup Tire
Authentic tires used in a NASCAR race. Shown with optional eye bolts.


swing seats, swingseats, swing seat, swingseatTire Swing Eye Bolt
These mounts on the NASCAR tire
(shown at right). Set of 3.